
Thanks to Bank of Azerbaijan, Qarant Sığorta, world's best seller delivers lecture for Azerbaijani students

Business Materials 25 June 2009 15:44 (UTC +04:00)

Michael Bang, the world class professional, the first specialist for sales training in Europe, the holder of international title "The Best World Salesman" and winner of several prizes for his achievements gained in the field of management has come to Baku.

Insurance company Qarant Sigorta (QS) reports that the world professional who arrived in the country on the invitation of companies QS and Bank of Azerbaijan, conducted on 25th June the seminars for employees of the companies and 200 members of "Ireli" youth movement on the themes "How to develop business in conditions of world economic crisis" and "The Art of Free Access" at the Azerbaijan State Economics University.

The event is the next project within policy of support of intellectual development of Azerbaijani youth and its potential revealing. These days the companies will realize some more large projects in this direction," QS says.

Within his Baku stay Mr.Bang will also hold seminars for Azerbaijani businessmen on 29-30 June.

All seminar costs will be covered by QS and Bank of Azerbaijan.

The aim of the QS and the Bank in holding such a large scale event for the business community of Azerbaijan is to help Azerbaijani companies to overcome consequences of the global economic crisis easier and faster in a way of practical training for new ideas and skills.

