
Azerbaijan Railways makes new schedule of trains

Business Materials 10 March 2011 14:31 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, March 10 / Trend /
Azerbaijan Railways will make a new schedule of trains inside the country and in the direction of Georgia to change the speed of trains from March 20, spokesman for Azerbaijan Railways Nadir Azmammadov said.

The relevant order was signed by the head of Azerbaijan Railways Arif Askerov.

According to the new schedule:

- Corporate train number 96-97 functioning on the Baku-Agstafa-Baku will depart at 23:05 and arrive in Agstafa at 10:20. The train will leave Agstafa at 19:50 and arrive in Baku at 8:30
- Passenger train number 656-664/655-663 functioning on the Baku-Kechyarli-Balaken-Baku, will leave Baku at 22:15 and arrive in Kecherli at 7:35, and Balaken - at 11:05. The train will leave Balakan at 18:30, the station Kecherli at 21:40 and arrive in Baku - 7:51;

- Passenger train number 660-672/659-671 functioning on the Baku-Astara-Horadiz-Baku will depart at 23:55, and arrive in Goradiz at 8:25, and in Astara - 9:45. It will leave Astara at 19:50, Goradiz - 21:15. It will arrive in Baku at 6:44;
- Train number 662-666/661-665 functioning on the Baku-Gazakh-Boyuk Kasik-Baku will depart at 22:35 and arrive in Gazakh at 12:35, Boyuk Kasik - 13:10. It will leave Boyuk Kasik - at 18:40, Gazakh - 19:40. It will arrive in Baku at 9:58;

- Train "Express" number 602-/601 functioning on the Baku-Ganja-Baku will depart at 7:20 and arrive in Ganja at 14:50. It will leave Ganja at 15:30 and arrive in Baku - 23:40;
- Train "Express" number 616-/615 functioning on the Baku-Mingachevir-Baku will depart at 16:50 and arrive in Mingachevir. It will leave Mingachevir at 7:45 and arrive in Baku at 15:30;

- Train "Express" number 618-/619 functioning on the Baku-Astara-Baku will depart at 7:40 and arrive in Astara at 15:00. It will leave Astara at 15:40 and arrive in Baku at 23:30.

Moreover, the timetable of high-speed train number 38/37, functioning on the Baku-Tbilisi-Baku has been changed. This train will leave Baku at 21:20 (Baku time) and arrive in Tbilisi at 13:25 (Tbilisi time). It will leave Tbilisi at 18:00 (Tbilisi time) and arrive in Baku at 11:05 (Baku time).

