Azerbaijan, Baku, May 17 / Trend A.Akhundov /
As of May 1, there were 39,900 unemployed people, including 43.2 percent - women in Azerbaijan, the State Statistics Committee reported.
The number of unemployed people reduced by 1.48 percent compared to the same period of 2010, and increased by 0.5 percent compared to April 2011. Four unemployed claim for one vacancy in the country.
During the report period, the economically active people in Azerbaijan made up 4,591,100, while in January-March 1,362,100 people worked as hired workers. Of the hired people, 850,900 people work in the public sector and 494,600 -in private.
Of the hired employees involved in the production spheres: 20.2 percent in industry, 2.6 percent in extracting and 5.7 percent in processing, 5.1 percent in construction, 2.8 percent in agriculture, forestry and fishing, 2.3 percent in manufacturing and distribution of electricity, gas and steam, 1.7 percent in the areas of water supply, purification and recycling, as well as 25.7 percent in education, 20 percent in wholesale and retail trade, repair of automobiles, home wares and personal things, 10.1 percent in health and social services, 4.7 percent in transport, 1.8 percent- communications, 0.6 percent in real estate transactions, 0.4 percent in state government and defense, 4.1 percent in the field of recreation, entertainment and the arts, 3.2 percent in scientific and technical activities, 1.6 percent in areas of financial and insurance activities and 1 percent - other sectors.
Average unemployment benefit is 179.2 manat.