
Uzbek insurance companies increase collection of premiums

Business Materials 25 July 2012 18:37 (UTC +04:00)

Uzbekistan, Tashkent, July 25 /Trend D.Azizov/

Insurance companies of Uzbekistan increased the collection of premiums by 13.4 percent in January - June 2012 compared to the same period in 2011 - to 137.8 billion soum, a government source told Trend on Wednesday.

The number of existing insurance contracts on July 1 totaled 5.57 million, increase by 0.5 percent compared to the previous year..

The total insurance premiums in the first quarter increased by 75 percent and amounted to 24.5 billion soum.

At the present time, there 37 insurance companies in the republic, two of them - in the life insurance industry, one reinsurance company and 34 insurers - in general insurance. In addition, the insurance market has three insurance brokers, two actuarial organizations, the four companies providing insurance assistance, and four adjusting and survey organizations.

In 2011, insurance companies of Uzbekistan increased premiums by 36.6 percent compared to the totals in 2010 - up to 231.6 billion soum.

Official exchange rate on July 25 is 1900,62 soum/$1

