The Center of Project Management and Innovation was opened at the Azerbaijan Technical University (AzTU) November 1, 2014. The centre's opening was timed to 1 November - International Day of the project manager. Rector of Azerbaijan Technical University, Professor Havar Mammadov speaking at the event said, that the opening of the newly created Centre established by AzTB is a joyous and memorable event for the university as far as and for project managers of the Republic.
Rector specifically thanked the International Project Management Association in Azerbaijan (AzPMA), which was initiated the establishment of the Center and provides methodological support. He also noted, that the opening of this center will play a great role in the training of professionals in the country and create conditions for more in-depth study of this profession by students and postgraduate students.
The purpose of the Center of Project Management and Innovations is connected with introduction of international standards and methodologies for project management in our country, with the creation of "intellectual bridge" between students and professional project managers for the exchange of experience between them, with the creation of conditions for the development of scientific research on project Management for professionals.
During the opening ceremony it were also awarded international certificates "Project Manager" to several local specialists, who have successfully completed training and received a positive result during the exam of certification program based on the standards of the International Project Management Association.
After this, the Centre has been presented to the local project managers as a joint project of AzTU and AzPMA, and then they started a workshop for professionals within frame of the PROJECT MANAGERS CLUB.
About AzTU
AzTU is one of the leading Universities in the technical education field of Azerbaijan Republic, which was established under the name Azerbaijan Polytechnic Institute with 4 faculties in the country's capital Baku in 1950.
Since 1991 up to now, the University was named of Azerbaijan Technical University. At the present, University's high-qualified specialists, scientific staff in 28 directions and more than 70 specialties are preparing in machine-building, metallurgy, informatics and computer technologies, electrical engineering, telecommunications, transport, engineering business fields.
Rector of the University is Professor Havar Mammadov.
More than 600 professor-teacher staff including 68 professors, doctor of sciences, 332 associate professors, candidate of science (PhD) work at 46 chairs of these faculties. For obtaining the scientific degree more than 50 local and foreign country's specialists are carrying out scientific research. Two Specialized Academic Councils granting academic degree on various directions of technical sciences are functioning at the University.
The scientific achievements of the University are publishing in scientific-technical journal by the name "Scientific works". The University library with more than 700 thousand books stock and its reading halls as well as, about 20 multimedia halls with more than 400 personal computers, multimedia rooms, specialized labs, serve to the students and personnel.
Azerbaijan Technical University is collaborated with UN, UNESKO, TRASEKA, other relevant structures of International Organizations and a lot of universities of foreign countries.
About AzPMA
Azerbaijan Project Management Association (AzPMA) is the official body of international certification of International Project Management Association (IPMA) in Azerbaijan.
AzPMa is a non-governmental organization, proactive in a market of intelligent services in fields of up-to-date technologies of project management and development of organizations. It was established in 1999 in Baku and during last 15 years has implemented a range of successful projects.
We have conducted more than 150 trainings and trained more than 2000 managers, more than 80 successful companies and organizations have made use of AzPMA services.
Today more than 204 professionals in Azerbaijan have received international status of project managers. Their names are put on the international register of certified managers and national register of certified managers
More than 194 000 managers from 58 countries in the world were certified on IPMA standards (as of the end of 2013)
Main areas of AzPMA's activity: certification, training and sharing experience of project managers in the member club.