Baku, Azerbaijan, Aug. 12
By Rufiz Hafizoglu – Trend:
Turkey’s petrochemical company Petkim will hold an extraordinary meeting of its Board of Directors on Sept. 6, said a message on Turkish Public Disclosure Platform’s website.
Personnel changes will be the main topic of discussions during the meeting.
Petkim produces plastic packages, fabrics, detergents, and is the sole Turkish manufacturer of such products, a quarter of which is exported.
The complex includes 14 plants which produce 20 various types of products. The annual production capacity of Petkim is 3.6 million tons.
Its shareholders are: SOCAR Turkey Petrokimya AS – 51 percent, SOCAR Turkey Enerji AS – 5.3216 percent, while 43.6784 percent of the shares are in free float on the stock exchange.
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