Baku, Azerbaijan, July 5
By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:
Eurasia Drilling Company’s Saturn rig, which completed repair in the Baku Shipyard, has moved to the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea, Eurasia Drilling Company told Trend.
“With regards to our jackup rigs in the Caspian: Saturn has started work for Petronas in the Turkmen sector of the Caspian Sea. Mercury continues to work in the Turkmen sector and Neptune is operating in the Russian sector,” said the company.
“We have no rigs or activity in the Azerbaijani sector.”
Eurasia Drilling Company is a leading onshore and offshore drilling and well services contractor. It owns and operates one of the largest fleets of land drilling and workover units in the world. It is also the premier supplier of drilling services in the expanding Caspian Sea jack-up market.
It is the largest land drilling company in Russia. Eurasia Drilling Company has a dominant position in the Caspian Sea jack-up rig market.
EDC is the Parent Company for the following primary operating subsidiaries: Burovaya Kompaniya Eurasia (BKE), SGK Burenie (SGC Drilling), KRS Eurasia (KRS Eurasia), BVS Eurasia (BVS Eurasia), EDC Romfor Ltd. and BKE Shelf Limited (BKE Shelf).
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