
Daily gas flow boosts in Zhanubiy Tandircha field in Uzbekistan

Oil&Gas Materials 11 November 2019 10:59 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Nov. 11

By Fakhri Vakilov - Trend:

Epsilon Development Company has stated that after hydraulic fracturing on Nov. 9, daily production rate at Zhanubiy Tandircha-31 well in Uzbekistan increased to 200,000 cubic meters of gas, Trend reports citing the company.

The hydraulic fracturing was carried out jointly with Uzbekistan’s Uzbekneftegaz oil and gas company.

Upon completion of work, soil restoration will be carried out in the wells, the company reported.

The main activities of Epsilon Development Company are prospecting, exploration, production and transportation of hydrocarbons and flare gas and oil; construction of industrial facilities; and construction of transport communications.

One of the missions of the company in Uzbekistan is to develop and progress new and sustainable energy projects, which will serve as a catalyst for socio-economic development at both regional and national levels.

For the implementation of projects in Uzbekistan, a consortium of investors has been established with the Thyssen Krupp (Germany), Epsilon Development Company, and Epsilon Asia Limited (Hong Kong).

In the framework of joint activities, Epsilon has already commenced large-scale exploration within the Kultak-Kamashi, Mubarak, Surkhan, Ashibulak, Koskudyk and West Fergana investment blocks.

Phased exploration work with seismic surveys, drilling, prospecting and exploration wells and development of identified hydrocarbon deposits are envisaged.

Following the exploration and reserves approval, a field development program will be prepared for each field, and the best option for their development will be selected. Then a decision on the feasibility of building a gas processing plant will be made.


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