
SOCAR reduces LPG exports to Ukraine

Oil&Gas Materials 14 September 2021 10:46 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, Sept.14

By Leman Zeynalova – Trend:

Azerbaijan’s state oil company SOCAR has delivered 2,200 tons of liquified petroleum gas (LPG) to Ukraine in in the first 12 days of September, down by 57.4 percent as compared to 5,200 tons in the same period in August, Trend reports with reference to Ukrainian media.

Nevertheless, the company is in Top-10 LPG suppliers to Ukraine during the reporting period. The largest suppliers are Privat with 5,000 tons, followed by Nadezhda with 4,700 tons and Grand Prix Oil with 4,300 tons.

Ukraine imported a total of 46,700 tons of LPG in 12 days of September, 14,000 tons of 23 percent lower as compared to the same period of August.

Traders believe that the decrease in LPG exports is due to the disbalance in supplies in early August and September. Rosneft faced serious delay in deliveries in July and therefore the major part of the contracted volumes was supplies in early August.

SOCAR’s representative office opened in Ukraine in 2008.The company acquired about 20 Tala-Nafta filling stations in Odessa and Nikolaev regions. as well as Svitanok large oil depot in Odessa region in 2009.

The company took control of the fuelling networks ONIO (four filling stations in Kyiv and the region) and GFC (in Lviv region) in 2010-2011. SOCAR received permission from the Antimonopoly Committee of Ukraine to purchase 26 filling stations and one tank farm of the Kalina group in August 2012.

SOCAR Energy Ukraine's revenues amounted to 832 million manat ($489.4 million) in 2020, is 14.1 percent more compared to 2019. Last year, SOCAR Energy Ukraine's spending on improving the environmental situation in Ukraine amounted to $237,000, while in 2019 it was $255,000. SOCAR's investments in Ukraine at the end of 2020 were estimated at $300 million.


Follow the author on Twitter: @Lyaman_Zeyn

