
Iran shares data on water reserves in country’s dams

Oil&Gas Materials 18 April 2022 09:27 (UTC +04:00)
Elnur Baghishov
Elnur Baghishov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, April 18. The water reserves of Iran's dams decreased by 12 percent, within the 206 days of the current water year in the country (September 23, 2021, through April 16, 2022), compared to the same period last year, an official of Iran Water Resources Management Company, Firouz Ghasemzadeh said, Trend reports citing Iranian Energy Ministry.

According to him, the water reserves of Iran's dams for the reporting period amounted to about 26.2 billion cubic meters.

Ghasemzadeh also said that the inflow of water into the country’s dams amounted to 20.7 billion within the mentioned period, which is a decrease of 3 percent, compared to the same period last Iranian year.

The official noted that currently, 25 percent of the dams in Iran's Tehran Province, 30 percent in Isfahan Province, 70 percent in Lake Urmia in West Azerbaijan, 57 percent in Khuzestan Province, and 73 percent in Lake Urmia in West Azerbaijan Province are full.

“Given the country's climatic conditions and water resources, it is necessary to control water consumption in various areas,” he added.


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