AZERI LT CIF price was $58.59 per barrel on 10 October (dropped $0,43 per barrel as compared to previous price). The density of Azeri Light is 34,9 degrees by API, sulphur content - 0,14%.
URAL(EX-NOVO) price was $53.94 per barrel (grew $0,50 per barrel). The density of oil URAL is 32 degrees by API, sulphur content - 1,3%.
Brent price (DTD) was $56.70 per barrel (+$0,66per barrel). The density of oil DTD is 38,3 degrees by API, sulphur content - 0,36%.
AZERI LT CIF quotes represent the cost of the Azerbaijani oil with delivery to the Mediterranean ports, shipped by shareholders of the Azerbaijan International Operating Company (AIOC) at the Georgian terminal in Supsa. URAL(EX-NOVO) quotes represent the cost of oil, shipped in the Russian terminal Novorossiysk.