From 26 through 3o June AZERI LT average price, sold by Azerbaijan in Supsa and Novorossiysk port, was $71.23 per barrel or $3.32 per barrel up as compared to the previous week, Trend reports. In this period maximal price of AZERI LT was $72.71 per barrel, minimal - $69.19 per barrel
Last week price of URAL (EX-NOVO), marketed at the Novorossiysk port, was $64.95 per barrel, or $2.76 per barrel more than the average price of the previous week. URAL (EX-NOVO) maximal price comprised $66.96 per barrel, minimal one - $63.07 per barrel.
Brent average price (DTD) was $71.95 per barrel ($3.60 more as compared to previous week). Brent maximal price comprised $73.30 per barrel, minimal price of Brent was $69.88 per barrel.
The density of Azeri Light is 34.6 degrees by API, sulphur content 0.14%. The density of oil URAL is 32 degrees by API, sulphur content - 1.3%. The density of oil DTD is 38.3 degrees by API, sulphur content - 0.36%. The density of URAL is 32 degrees by API, the sulphur content 1.3%. The density of DTD oil is 38.3 degrees by API, the sulphur content 0.36%.