The price for AZERI LT FOB was $73.81 per barrel on 31 July (rose $0.89 per barrel as compared to the previous price). The oil is delivered via the Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan pipeline, Trend reports.
The price for AZERI LT CIF Augusta was $74.78 per barrel (+ $0.80 per barrel against the previous price). Density of Azeri Light is 34.6 degrees by API, sulphur content is 0.14%.
The price for URAL (EX-NOVO) was $67.99 per barrel (+ $0.88 per barrel). Density of URAL is 30.4-31.85 degrees by API, sulphur content is up to 1.8%.
The price for DTD was $74.78 (+ $0.87 per barrel) per barrel. Density of DTD is 38.3 degrees by API, sulphur content is 0.36%.
Export of Azeri Light oil produced from Azeri-Chirag-Gunashli fields, to world markets via the western route started in 1999 from the Georgian port of Supsa.