
Iran looking to attract foreign investments

Finance Materials 13 September 2021 14:42 (UTC +04:00)

TEHRAN, Iran, Sept.13


Foreign investments into Iran would pave way for modern technology and help prevent the outflow of foreign currency, secretary general of Iran Entrepreneurs Forum Hamid Reza Ghaznavi, Trend reports citing IRNA.

Ghaznavi has indicated that foreign investment is an important issue and there should be plans for entrance of new investors into the country.

He noted that the country is facing a decline of investment in the field of industry, while investors that have invested in the country in recent years, are currently concerned about new foreign rivals.

"In order to increase the presence of foreign investors there should be strategy and planning," he said.

The official has noted that manufacturing and production of basic materials for different industries especially downstream petrochemical industries, electronics and mobile phone production are important fields that are priority in terms of foreign investments.

