
Azerbaijan issues over 162,000 health-e-cards

ICT Materials 29 September 2009 12:07 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Sept. 28 / Trend , H.Valiyev/

The Health Ministry has issued more than 162,000 health-e-cards, Deputy Director of the Health Ministry Information Department, Jabrayil Asadzade told Trend on Sept. 28.

Asadzade said all the maternity hospitals, maternity wards of hospitals and children's hospitals, subordinated to the Ministry, have been connected to the system at the moment. A local office network was formed among the units of the department which facilitates the rapid exchange of official information. Information is stored in a single database directly from medical institutions through the local network. Automation of medical patient accounting simplifies search for necessary information and reduces the time of diagnosis.

The project also provides transferring information about citizens under 18 years from paper archives into electronic form. Unlike teens, the newly born babies are provided with plastic cards. Health-e-cards are produced in the center of public health and reform of the Health Ministry through clinics and provided free to parents.

The project is implemented under the state program "E-Azerbaijan".

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