
Azerbaijani processing center services to be temporarily unavailable

ICT Materials 9 October 2012 15:51 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Oct 8 /Trend H.Veliyev/

Processing centre Azericard, which is wholly owned by the International Bank of Azerbaijan (IBA), is moving towards a technical overhaul of the system, the centre said on Tuesday.

In this regard, the work of the processing AzeriCard centre will be completely suspended on October 11 from 1:00 am to 06:00 am.

Work on updating the software component is planned and carried out twice a year. Update does not include any changes to the user interface and is carried out to increase the capacity and power of the system which in turn, will allow the company to continue to create new products for users.

The work of ATMs, POS-terminals, cards, and e-commerce will be temporarily suspended due to these technical reasons.

At present, the Azericard network serves about 1500 ATMs and approximately 30,000 POS-terminals and two million cards.

Today AzeriCard serves 30 banks. There are 43 banks in Azerbaijan.

