
Azerbaijan to approve new tariffs for non-resident e-signatures

ICT Materials 24 October 2018 19:34 (UTC +04:00)

Baku, Azerbaijan, Oct. 24

By Huseyn Veliyev - Trend:

Tariffs for obtaining electronic signatures by non-residents of Azerbaijan will be announced later, Project Manager for the Digital Trade Hub (DTH) Nijat Asadli told Trend on Oct. 24.

Asadli said due to the fact that the mobile e-signature is aimed at foreign citizens, its prices will differ from the current tariffs for digital signatures in the country.

"Tariffs must be agreed with all the involved parties. That is, with the Ministry of Taxes of Azerbaijan, the Ministry of Transport, Communications and High Technologies of Azerbaijan and the country's mobile operators. Tariffs for mobile e-signature for non-residents will be made public after they are approved," Asadli said.

He added that such a project has been successfully applied in Estonia and each citizen of that country who has e-citizenship status makes a positive contribution to the country's GDP.

"Considering that a similar experience will be applied in Azerbaijan, taking into account local standards and requirements, this will also have a positive impact in our country," Asadli said.


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