Baku, Azerbaijan, May 27
By Sara Israfilbayova – Trend:
It is necessary to increase the competence of specialists in the field of information security in Azerbaijan, Pavel Krylov, Head of Secure Bank / Secure Portal at Group-IB, told Trend.
According to him, it is also important to teach the basics of "digital hygiene" to ordinary employees of companies and to the public, since people remain the most vulnerable element of any security system.
"Recently, Group-IB experts took part in the Summit on Financial Technologies in Baku, where they were able to discuss topical issues of cyber security in the region and share their experience in effectively countering cybercriminals," Krylov said.
The expert stated that traditional methods of protection such as antivirus software, data encryption and others, are nowadays not enough to attain the required level of security.
He noted that in order to fight cybercrime, it is necessary to focus on studying the work of cybercriminals and hacker groups hat constantly improve their arsenal. Accordingly, cyber defense tools must also be capable of facing new threats.
"In today's world, all countries, without exception, face attacks both by pro-state hacker groups - and, consequently, cyber espionage, diversions and sabotage - and financially motivated hackers, who are trying to steal money or information that can be sold in the future," Krylov said.
In his words, some countries, such as Singapore, are investing heavily in support of cyber defense initiatives and constantly work to improve the legal framework in this direction.
The expert believes that, on the whole, there is a growing worldwide understanding that cybercrimes are as much a global threat as terrorism.
"This is reflected in expert reports compiled by the World Economic Forum, where cyber threats are listed among the main risks to the global economy," Krylov said.
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