
Uzbekistan initiates digitalization of Tashkent city

ICT Materials 18 July 2020 11:24 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 18

By Ilkin Seyfaddini - Trend:

The government of Uzbekistan adopted a resolution on measures to introduce geographic information and analytical system of the country's capital Tashkent within the framework of a comprehensive Digital Tashkent program, Trend reports citing the Ministry for Development of Information Technologies and Communications of Uzbekistan.

To date, a large-scale work to ensure sustainable improvement in the quality of life, business and the development of the digital economy is underway, the message said.

The decree approves the regulations on the order of electronic interaction between government agencies and organizations, the scheme of collection, processing and analysis of their data through the geographic information and analytical system of Tashkent city.

Upon the decision, it is planned to render information-analytical support to responsible authorities on the issues of gathering, processing, analyzing and storing indicators of social and economic development of Tashkent city. The resolution also provides for a complex estimation of a social, economic and political situation, evaluation of problems, development of programs and plans on tendencies, strategies and forecasts in the area of public safety, prevention and elimination of emergency situations, and integration of the information-analytical system and databases of Tashkent city.

Within the framework of Digital Tashkent program, 41 types of activities for the introduction of a geographical information and analytical system in Tashkent will be carried out.


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