
Sandisk Shuffles Into Play With Sansa Clip MP3 Player

ICT Materials 28 August 2007 12:38 (UTC +04:00)

( Mobile ) - Looks like the iPod Shuffle isn't the only ridiculously small MP3 player with a clip, because here is the Sandisk Sansa Clip. The micro-sized media player features much the same features as its Apple counterpart -- like the clip on the back -- except this one actually has a display so that you know what you're listening to. Granted, it's a squint-worthy OLED number, but it's better than nothing.

Surprisingly, despite its minute stature, the Sandisk Sansa Clip comes with a fairly decent feature set, including FM radio, voice recorder, and a respectable 15 hours of battery life. It'll support MP3 and WMA files only, and you get your choice of red, blue, pink, or black. Some may say that it has more in common with the Creative Zen Stone than it does the iPod Shuffle.

In any case, look for the Sansa Clip in 1GB and 2GB flavors for $40 and $60, respectively.

