( Mobile ) - Samsung has been keeping busy on the MP3 player front, recently revealing three more DAPs that use the DNSe 2.0 (Digital Natural Sound Engine), one of which has a slide-out speaker much like the YP-K5 before it.
The Samsung YP-S5 is available in 2GB and 4GB variations. It comes with a 1.8-inch color screen that will fully support video playback for about four hours. Hop over to the audio side of things and you've got up to 25 hour of portable entertainment. Measuring just 14.95mm thick, the YP-S5 has Bluetooth too to go with its slide-out speaker.
If the 25 hours offered by the YP-S5 isn't enough for you, then take a gander at the Samsung YP-T10. Sure, it doesn't have Bluetooth, but the YP-T10 does have a larger 2-inch screen, FM radio, and a formidable 30 hour battery life. It's crazy skinny at just 7.9mm of girth.
For video junkies, you may want to consider the YP-P2 with its 3-inch wide-aspect (16:9) color LCD screen and five hours of video playback battery life. Available in black, white, or red, the YP-P2 also comes with 35 hours of MP3 playback on a single charge and the EmoTureTM user interface for button-less controls. Look for it in 2GB, 4GB, and 8GB flavors.