
Tajikistan, ADB mull projects on energy loss reduction

Tajikistan Materials 4 May 2013 07:24 (UTC +04:00)
The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Tajik Energy Ministry are discussing the issues on the implementation of energy loss reduction projects, Avesta.tj reported on Thursday.
Tajikistan, ADB mull projects on energy loss reduction

Azerbaijan, Baku, May 2 / Trend V. Zhavoronkova /

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Tajik Energy Ministry are discussing the issues on the implementation of energy loss reduction projects, Avesta.tj reported on Thursday.

The representatives of the Tajik Energy Ministry and ADB met to discuss energy projects.

The sides also considered the schedule of the operations on thr Nurek hydropower plant reconstruction, as well as the construction of small HPPs in Sogd and Khalton oblasts of Tajikistan.

