Tashkent, Uzbekistan, March 28
By Demir Azizov– Trend:
The Republican Cash Collection Service of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan state unitary enterprise announced a tender for the purchase of special helmets and bulletproof vests - lot # 1 (purchase of special helmets - 400 pieces) and lot # 2 (purchase of bulletproof vests - 710 pieces).
The bidders can get additional information from 9:00 till 18.00 (GMT/UTC+5) daily except weekend at the following address:19 Navoi st., Republican Cash Collection Service of the Central Bank of Uzbekistan, 100011, Tashkent, Uzbekistan.
The bids are accepted at the above-mentioned address till April 17, 2017, 17:00 (GMT/UTC+5).
The envelopes with bids will be opened by the tender commission at the above-mentioned address on April 20, 2017 at 16:00 (GMT/UTC+5).
Phone: (+998 71) 244-39-29, 244-06-95
Fax - 244-39-27
e-mail: [email protected]