
Iran starts manufacturing "black box" for aircrafts and helicopters

Iran Materials 31 January 2012 12:15 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Jan. 31 / Trend S.Isayev, T. Jafarov/

Iran has started to manufacture special "Shahid" black boxes intended for military aircrafts and helicopters, IRINN TV channel reported.

In science and engineering, a black box is a device, system or object, which can be viewed solely in terms of its input, output and transfer characteristics without any knowledge of its internal workings, that is, its implementation is "opaque" (black). Almost anything might be referred to as a black box: a transistor, an algorithm, or the human mind.

According to the report, Iran also started Low Altitude Anti Air Defense systems optimization and overhaul.

In connection with the Fajr (celebrations dedicated to the 34th anniversary of the Islamic revolution, which are to be held in all towns across Iran from Feb. 1-11), an event was hosted at Iranian Military Defense's Electronic Industry company.

Iran's Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi and Commander of Khatam al-Anbia Air Defense Base Farzad Esmaili attended the event.

With regard to "Shahid" black box, Vahidi said the system is innovative, compatible with any aircraft, and has a wide range of options.

According to Vahidi, the black box system includes new methods of processing and interpretation of images and sound; can withstand harsh environmental conditions in accordance with international standards; Flight Data Recorder (FDR) can store and process up to 2200 hours of data; Cockpit Voice Recorder can store up to 40 hours of recordings.

Iran's defense minister also added that 30 cameras can be placed inside an aircraft cabin, and record up to 10 hours of images and audio.

Speaking about Low Altitude Anti Air Defense systems optimization and overhaul, Vahidi said that reconstruction and optimization of existing systems is being created in the country.

Vahidi mentioned the protection and complete overhaul of fighter aircrafts, helicopters and unmanned aircrafts among other Low Altitude Anti Air Defense system optimizations.

