
Iran raises concerns over Saudi-Bahrain union plan

Iran Materials 17 May 2012 00:59 (UTC +04:00)

Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast warned that Saudi Arabian plan to form a union with Bahrain leads to deepening crisis in Bahrain, ISNA reported.

"Any kind of foreign intervention or non-normative plans without respecting people's vote will only deepen the already existing wounds," Mehmanparast said in a statement as stressing the role of the Islamic Republic of Iran in establishment of peace, security and stability in the region.

"The solution to the crisis in Bahrain is in response to the legitimate demands of the people and fulfilling them," he added.

"The Islamic Republic of Iran believes that the real power of the regional nations emanates from (governments) enjoying their peoples' backing and that regional cooperation under the framework secures interests of the World of Islam and foils plots devised by Israel," the spokesman added.

He also rejected any claim on the three Iranian islands raised by some Persian Gulf Cooperation Council member states in an advisory meeting and said, "Repeating any claim on the three Iranian islands are described as unwise remarks in the view of the Islamic Republic of Iran and they lack political and legal value."

