Tehran, Iran, June 3
By Kamyar Eghbalnejad - Trend:
An Italian oil service group has expressed readiness to participate in Iran’s petrochemical projects, a report said.
The managing director of Iran's National Petrochemical Company (NPC), who was recently in Italy to attend the 18th edition of PLAST exhibition, has held talks with officials of Saipem S.p.A. on the sidelines of the event, according to the report carried by the official website of NPC on June 3.
Seyed Reza Norouz-Zadeh and the Italian officials on May 30 explored ways to enhance their cooperation in Petchem projects, and Saipem said it was keen to cooperate with the Islamic Republic in the development of its projects underway in the cities of Tabriz and Kermanshah.
The 18th edition of PLAST, a triennial international exhibition for the plastics and rubber industries, opened in the city of Milan on May 29. It wrapped on June 1.
The Italian contractor also expressed willingness to contribute to Iran’s refinery projects in Shiraz and Tabriz.
Saipem S.p.A. (Società Anonima Italiana Perforazioni E Montaggi) is an Italian oil and gas industry contractor. It was a subsidiary of Italian energy company Eni, which owned approximately 30% of Saipem's shares until 2016. Saipem has been contracted for designing and constructing several pipelines, including Blue Stream, Greenstream, Nord Stream and South Stream.
It was founded in 1957 as a service provider for the Eni group, through the merger of Snam Montaggi and a drilling contractor SAIP. In the 1960s, it started providing services outside the Eni group, and in 1969, it started operating autonomously. At first, Saipem specialized in onshore pipelaying, plant construction and drilling. In the early 1960s, it expanded to offshore operations. Offshore operations started in the Mediterranean and were expanded to the North Sea in 1972.