

Analysis Materials 2 August 2006 12:08 (UTC +04:00)

The mass sowing in agriculture is complete in Azerbaijan. Despite unfavorable weather conditions in Azerbaijan during the spring period considerably impeded the conduct of sowing on schedule, which decreased the agriculture plantings as compared to 2005. According to the State Statistics Committee, as of 20 June the area sown under cotton dropped 406,800h. As compared to 2005 the area sown under grains, sunflower, cotton, tobacco, potato, melon and water melon reduced considerably. At the same time as compared to last year the areas sown under grains rose 7.5%, corns - 1.2%, sugar beat - 2.5%, vegetables -1.6%.

According to the State Statistics Committee as of 20 June 2006, the territory comprises 406,800h.

As to collection of some types of agriculture products, as of 1 July 2006 a total of 1204,500 of grains has been collected, which means the productivity was 25.1 metric ton per h. This is a positive factor and in most regions harvesting was carried out from 70% of sown areas. The favorable weather conditions enable to have rich harvest of grains at rapid pace as compared to similar of last year.

Since the beginning of the year, collection of potato made up 233,400 tons, 10.6% up, 256,100 tons of vegetables (14.6% up), 14,200 tons of melons and water melons (43.3% down), 62,000 tons of fruits (8.1% down) and 96.9 tons of tobacco (60.7% down).

The indices on green tea production provided by the State Statistics Committee and the Agriculture Ministry do not correspond each other. As of the State Statistics Committee, as of 1 July the green the harvesting made up 505.1 tons, 8.4% down as compared to last year. However, according to the Agriculture Ministry, as of 1 July green production in the regions of Azerbaijan made up 510 tons, which is equal to similar period of 2005.

Over the first 6 months of 2006 there was observed a rise in production of meat, milk and eggs. Production of meat constituted 128,500 tons, up 1.8% as compared to 2005, milk - 627,000 tons, or 4.1%, while eggs 51.1 million. 11.2% down.

Cut in eggs production in this period was linked with general tendency of cut in chicken production over the first half-year due to bird-flu.

Production of cattle-breeding (in ths tons)

Title of product



As of June 2005, %

January to June 2006 and January to June 2005, %









Eggs, in ths pieces




Source: State Statistics Committee

In his period the cost of production of the agrarian sector made up 656.7 manats, 4.5% up as compared to last year. In this period cost of production of cattle breeding rose 1.9%, planting - РЅР° 8.6%.

