
From Arab Spring to religious battle

Commentary Materials 12 December 2011 18:26 (UTC +04:00)
Trend Middle East Desk head Rufiz Hafizoglu
From Arab Spring to religious battle

Trend Arabic news service head Rufiz Hafizoglu

Arab Spring sought to bring democracy to the Arab world. It is undergoing its most difficult period in Syria. The delayed clashes in the country, separating a group of servicemen from the Army and its struggle with the authorities allow to say that Syria is on the eve of the Civil War.

Contrary to the situation in other Arab countries, it is not ruled out that besides the civil war in Syria, religious in-fighting may occur. Moreover, official representatives of many countries have expressed concern about the possible struggle between religious sects in Syria.

So, Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan said earlier that if Bashar Assad does not stop the clashes in the country, the conflict between Sunnis and Shiites will occur in Syria.

The Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov made a similar statement. He said that a serious split occurred among the Muslims. It is impossible to stop it. This problem will not be resolved without any consequences for the entire Muslim world.

Naturally, it would be wrong to predict the confrontation between Shiites and Sunnis in Syria because of the demands for Bashar al-Assad's resignation. However, serious political processes may be observed amid the current events.

For example, after the clashes in Syria one of the leaders of Hamas Mahmoud Zahar spoke about moving of the political bureau from Syria to Cairo. The bureau is in emigration of the Islamic Resistance Movement

"Wall Street Journal" reported on December 8 that Hamas officials under Turkey's pressure left Syria and left for Egypt and Qatar.

In the interview with Turkish newspaper "Zaman", one of the Turkish Foreign Ministry officials, willing to remain anonymous, reported that Ankara did not exert any pressure on for the latter to leave Syria.

At the first sight, the Sunni Hamas's leaving has no special meaning. Once it was a part of the "Muslim Brotherhood". It has recently declared itself independent of any Islamic organizations, which are part of the "Shia Crescent". However, after Hamas leaves Syria, Damascus's claims that it supports the entire Islamic anti-Israel resistance will be ceased.

The fact that external intervention was launched against Bashar al-Assad's regime is another important aspect. One of these factors is that one of the army leaders of the Libyan revolution Abdulhakim Belhadj moving from Turkey to Syria by using falsified documents for Salim Ali and his training of armed groups fighting against the authorities.

Despite the claims about Belhadj's moving from Turkey to Syria, later the groups fighting with the authorities occurred in Syria.

Moreover, Syrian officials have repeatedly stated that Turkey, Jordan and Saudi Arabia provide Syrian rebels with military and financial support.

The fact that Turkey supports the Syrian opposition was confirmed by a member of the Syrian National Transitional Council Mahmoud Osman. He said that Colonel Riyad Musa and 200 servicemen fighting against the authorities are in Turkey under the auspices of Ankara.

While carefully following the events, one can say that the situation is under Damascus's complete control. Assad's regime will take advantage of the Shia-Sunni card in the nearest future. Many countries are beware of this.

Such action by the Syrian authorities could turn the entire Islamic world upside down.

