
Georgian Dream party's opponents hold single chance to win by organizing so-called color revolution - Russian analyst

Georgia Materials 16 October 2024 16:55 (UTC +04:00)
Georgian Dream party's opponents hold single chance to win by organizing so-called color revolution - Russian analyst
Ali Gasimov
Ali Gasimov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, October 16. The opponents of the Georgian Dream in the parliamentary election to be held on October 26 have only one chance to win, and that is organizing a so-called “color revolution,” the general director of the Caspian Institute for Strategic Studies (Russia) Igor Korotchenko told Trend.

“Parliamentary election in Georgia will have a fateful character. This is because they will actually decide the future of this South Caucasus state. First of all, it should be noted that the opposition, which is actively financed and supported by several Western countries, has virtually no chance of getting into parliament, much less forming a constitutional majority. The ruling Georgian Dream party still has the best chances not only to get into the parliament but also to control it. In this regard, opponents of the Georgian Dream have only one chance, which they can use. This is an attempt to organize what is called a “color revolution” in Tbilisi and several other Georgian cities, i.e., street riots, seizure of government buildings, and the overthrow of the legitimate authorities through their violent removal and physical violence,” Igor Korotchenko said.

According to him, this is exactly the scenario that is being constructed today by those Western countries, primarily the US and some other allies of Washington, to prevent the Georgian Dream from winning the election. However, if it wins such election, which is absolutely obvious, then, of course, the goal of the West is to prevent the possibility of a legitimate transfer of power.

“At the same time, it must be said that the laws adopted in recent months that restrict the activities of non-governmental organizations that receive funding from outside have caused great controversy in Georgia. However, most importantly, this is an absolutely legitimate way to establish who, how, and on what terms finances the Georgian opposition, which lives exclusively on Western donations and handouts. In this regard, we are anxiously watching what is happening in Georgia, because, of course, destabilization in Georgia, if it happens and is successful for the West, will also mean a large-scale destabilization of the entire South Caucasus. Along with Armenia, Georgia will become the main source of instability. Therefore, it is important for all the countries of the South Caucasus that the parliamentary election, which will be held on October 26, be transparent, legitimate, and most importantly, that there are no excesses when pro-Western forces will use any kind of street riots to bring down the government and then suppress it,” Igor Korotchenko said.

