US Secretary of State Hilary Rodham Clinton talked on telephone Friday with Jordan's King Abdulah II, relaying an invitation to the monarch from President Barack Obama to visit Washington for a six-way meeting on September 1, the Jordanian royal court announced.
The talks will precede the September 2 talks in Washington between Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas, Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The talks were announced earlier Friday in Washington and Brussels, dpa reported.
In addition to Obama and Abdullah, the gathering is scheduled to include Abbas, Netanyahu, Egyptian President Hosny Mubarak and the representative of the Middle East Quartet Tony Blair.
"Clinton briefed the monarch on preparations being conducted by the United States to re-launch direct Palestinian-Israeli negotiations in Washington on September 2 with the aim of achieving peace between the Palestinians and Israelis on the basis of the two-state solution," the royal court said.
The royal court statement stopped short of expressing the Jordanian response to the invitation, but diplomats expected the issue to be discussed at the highest level during the coming hours.