
Jordan Islamists: US, Israel main losers in Mubarak's downfall (UPDATE)

Arab World Materials 13 February 2011 04:59 (UTC +04:00)
The Muslim Brotherhood movement in Jordan, the country's main opposition group, on Saturday described the downfall of Egyptian President Hosny Mubarak as a "historic victory" with the United States and Israel as the main losers, dpa reported.
Jordan Islamists: US, Israel main losers in Mubarak's downfall (UPDATE)

Adds reax from trade unions (first vesion was published at 19:49)

Jordan's main opposition group, the Muslim Brotherhood movement, on Saturday described the resignation of Egyptian president Hosny Mubarak as a "historic victory," with the United States and Israel as the main losers, dpa reported.

Later Saturday, hundreds of trade unionists joined opposition groups at the Trade Unions Complex to celebrate the results of the Egyptian uprising.

"This is the fate of despots who escape secretly after the disclosure of their records of oppression against their peoples," said Abdul Hadi Falahat, chairman of the Trade Unions Council.

He urged Arab heads of state to "reconcile with their peoples as the dawn of freedom starts to shine ... Arab leaders must now allow an atmosphere of freedom to prevail."

The Jordanians also chanted slogans urging an end to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories and the abrogation of peace treaties that Jordan and Egypt signed with Israel in 1994 and 1979 respectively.

The Muslim Brotherhood said the Egyptian victory was "directed against the United States, which so far sponsored the toppled regime and wanted it as a strong ally and defender of the Zionist entity and an enemy of the Arab jihad and resistance movements."

It advised the US and other Western governments "to realize the lesson inferred from the victory of Egyptian revolution by acting seriously to change their policies towards this region."

