
Egyptian protesters plan mass demo despite promised changes

Arab World Materials 14 July 2011 12:58 (UTC +04:00)

Egyptian protesters, camping out in Cairo and other big cities, have called for a mass demonstration on Friday to press the country's military rulers to speed up promised reforms, DPA reported.

The Revolution's Youth Coalition, an opposition group, Thursday called on Egyptians to join in the demonstration dubbed the "Friday of the last ultimatum."

"All what the revolutionary powers want from the (ruling) Supreme Council of the Armed Forces, whom we hold in regard, is to quicken trials for former regime officials and others charged with killing protesters," said Amr Ezz, a member of the group.

"At the same time, trials for civilians at military courts should be stopped," he added.

Thousands of protesters have gone on an open-ended strike in Cairo's Tahrir Square and in Suez, a restive city east of Cairo, to push the military rulers to arrange public and swift trials for former president Hosny Mubarak and other former officials.

Mubarak was forced to step down in February due to a popular revolt in which at least 846 people were killed and more than 6,000 injured, according to a fact-finding fact commission.

"We support the Friday protest to pressure the military council into holding public and quick trials for Mubarak and former regime officials," said Moamen Mohamed, a member of the protest group, the April 6 Youth Movement.

"Delay will widen the gap between this council and the revolutionaries," he added.

Protesters are also demanding state institutions be purged of those believed to be loyal to Mubarak.

More than 600 senior policemen - including officers thought to be involved in shooting at protesters during the anti-Mubarak uprising- were sacked in a major shake-up unveiled on Wednesday.

The move, which in total will affect around 4,000 officers, is the biggest in the history of Egypt's police department, according to Interior Minister Mansour al-Essawi.

On July 11, Prime Minister Essam Sharaf promised to reshuffle his cabinet within a week to "meet the revolution's demands."

