
US-led coalition airstrikes in Deir Ez-Zor leave 10 civilians killed

Arab World Materials 24 November 2018 01:21 (UTC +04:00)

The US-led Coalition continues pounding the eastern part of the Syrian Deir ez-Zor province, Sputnik reported citing Syrian broadcaster Ikhbariya and SANA News agency.

"More than 10 civilians, including children and women, died as a result of airstrikes of the international coalition on the village of al-Shafa in the east of Deir-ez-Zor province," the Ikhbariya TV channel said.

Meanwhile, the SANA state-run news agency reported a total of 11 victims of airstrikes and said that the attacks were continuing.

The coalition regularly carries out airstrikes in the Syrian eastern province. On November 9, media reported that 26 civilians, including women and children, were killed in an airstrike by the coalition on the city of Hajin.

Last week, the SANA agency reported that the US-led coalition used prohibited cluster bombs in recent airstrikes on Hajin and Shaafa. Previously, multiple Syrian media reports alleged that toxic white phosphorus munitions had also been used in the coalition's repeated attacks in the region.

The US Defense Department has dismissed the allegations as false, maintaining that the coalition’s airstrikes in Syria conform with the laws of armed conflict.

However, the coalition's activities in Syria are authorized neither by the Syrian government, nor by the UN Security Council.

