In 2008, migration gain in Belarus totaled 8,145 people, up 74.2% over 2007, BelTA learnt from the National Statistics Committee.
According to the National Statistics Committee, in 2008, 17,413 people came to Belarus, while 9,268 left to live elsewhere (in 2007 these figures were 14,155 and 9,479 respectively).
The migration gain last year was formed due to the migration surplus with the CIS and Baltic states as well as other countries. Immigrants from Russia, Ukraine and Kazakhstan account for 80.6% of the total arrived in Belarus from the CIS and Baltic states.
Belarus' migration surplus with other countries was due to an increased number of arrivers - 841 people (up 52.9%) to 2,430, while the amount of people who leave the country has almost remained the same (2,215 people).