
Larry King ends quarter-century as CNN interviewer

Other News Materials 17 December 2010 08:23 (UTC +04:00)
Larry King ended his 25-year stint as a CNN interview star Thursday with a final show that featured rival news figures and a cameo appearance by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who declared it Larry King Day in the largest US state, dpa reported.
Larry King ends quarter-century as CNN interviewer

Larry King ended his 25-year stint as a CNN interview star Thursday with a final show that featured rival news figures and a cameo appearance by California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, who declared it Larry King Day in the largest US state, dpa reported.

   King, 77, has interviewed every US president since Richard Nixon during his time at the cable news pioneer, but he has found his ratings in free fall in recent years as his amicable style was superseded by the more combative tactics of his rivals.

   Nevertheless, even they saluted the talk show legend with rival channel MSNBC buying a full page advertisement in USA Today to thank King "for everything you've done to advance cable news."

   Other guests on King's last show included news anchors Brian Williams and Katie Couric, interviewer Barbara Walters, American Idol host Ryan Seacrest and talk show host Bill Maher.

   King's time slot is to be taken over by Piers Morgan, a former British tabloid editor and judge of the America's Got Talent television show.

