( Irna ) - A peaceful solution of the Iranian nuclear issue through diplomatic negotiations is the best option, Tang Guoqiang, Chinese ambassador to the United Nations' Vienna Office said on Wednesday.
Negotiations "will contribute to maintaining the authority and effectiveness of the international nuclear non-proliferation regime and to maintaining peace and stability in the Middle East region, and serves the common interest of all parties concerned," Tang told a board meeting of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA).
The 35-nation board of governors of the UN's nuclear watchdog started a five-day session here on Monday, with Iran nuclear issue becoming the focus.
Tang, who is formally the Chinese Permanent Representative to the UN and Other International Organizations in Vienna, noted that there have been some new developments in the issue.
On the one hand, the UN Security Council adopted on March 24 a new resolution with tougher sanctions to pressure Iran to suspend uranium enrichment activities.
On the other hand, relevant parties stepped up their diplomatic efforts for resumption of negotiation.
Tang said the recent meeting between the EU and Iran is conducive to resolving the outstanding issues.
" China hopes that momentum could be maintained and progress achieved in the EU-Iran dialogue," Tang said.
Iranian chief nuclear negotiator Ali Larijani met with EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana in Madrid on May 31.
The two sides agreed to meet again within two weeks.
On the occasion of the IAEA board meeting, Larijani's deputy Javad Vaeedi on Monday held a working session with Solana's top aid Robert Cooper.
Vaeedi described the meeting, which was intended to pave way for the second higher-level negotiation, as constructive.
Meanwhile, Tang urged other countries to keep patience, giving diplomatic efforts more time and space to foster a favorable atmosphere for the progress of EU-Iran dialogue.
"Sanctions and pressure won't yield a fundamental solution to the Issue. Our most urgent task therefore is to launch the negotiation process and to resume talks as soon as possible," Tang said.
China will continue to play a constructive role for an ultimate peaceful solution of the Iranian nuclear issue, he added.