
Mine countermeasures group of Turkish, Romanian and Bulgarian navies holds meeting

Türkiye Materials 1 July 2024 23:34 (UTC +04:00)
Ingilab Mammadov
Ingilab Mammadov
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, July 1. Members of the Mine Countermeasures Naval Task Force from Türkiye, Romania and Bulgaria met in Istanbul, the Turkish Ministry of Defense said in a statement, Trend reports.

According to the information, during the meeting agreements were signed on joint work in the Black Sea.

t is reported that a Mine Countermeasures Task Force in the Black Sea (MCM BLACK SEA) has been created to ensure the absence of a mine threat. It is noted that a meeting of the Task Force Committee was held in Istanbul and a document on joint activities was signed on July 1. The signing ceremony was attended by the Commander of the Turkish Navy, Admiral Ercument Tatlioglu, the Chief of Staff of the Romanian Navy, Rear Admiral Mihai Panait, and the Commander of the Bulgarian Navy, Rear Admiral Kiril Mikhailov.

