
Reshuffle in Kazakhstan’s leadership moves towards president’s succession scenario

Kazakhstan Materials 26 September 2012 16:11 (UTC +04:00)

Azerbaijan, Baku, Sep. 24 / Trend E. Kosolapova/

Recent reshuffle in Kazakhstan's leadership moves towards the president's succession scenario, European expert on Central Asia Nicolas de Pedro believes.

"All this (changes and moves at Kazakhstan's leadership) seems more related to regional leaders' rivalries and, from a general perspective, moves towards the president's succession scenario," de Pedro, a researcher at CIDOB in Spain, told Trend via e-mail on Monday.

Earlier, Kazakh Prime Minister Karim Massimov has resigned. His resignation was accepted by the president. Later former Vice Prime Minister Serik Akhmetov was appointed to the post of new government head.

Meanwhile, according to de Pedro, no relevant changes in current policies are expected in near future. Moreover, former Prime Minister will retain President's confidence, de Pedro believes.

"Massimov retains a crucial position as chief of the Presidential administration. This clearly shows that he hasn't lost President's confidence and favor," the expert said.

