
Driving force behind many US projects in Azerbaijan lies teaching English - Charge d'Affaires

Azerbaijan Materials 28 June 2024 11:19 (UTC +04:00)
Driving force behind many US projects in Azerbaijan lies teaching English - Charge d'Affaires
Alyona Pavlenko
Alyona Pavlenko
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 28. English language education is the driving force behind many US projects in Azerbaijan, US Charge d'Affaires in Azerbaijan Hugo Guevara said at the opening of a conference for Azerbaijani English teachers in secondary schools, Trend reports.

"With a broad command of English, more students will be able to participate in diversifying the country's economy and interact with other professionals at a higher level. Thus, helping to improve English proficiency is the driving force behind many of our projects here in Azerbaijan," he said.

Guevara emphasized that this is the fourth year of the online Master's level English Teaching Certification Program for Azerbaijani teachers, conducted by North Carolina State University and funded by the US Department of State.

He mentioned that this year, 92 people have successfully completed the program at the master's level. Altogether, since its launch in 2020, 350 Azerbaijani English teachers have completed this challenging virtual master's-level program.

To note, the conference is the culmination of an 18-week online master's-level English teaching certification program for Azerbaijani teachers, administered by North Carolina State University and funded by the US Department of State.

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