On 5 February 2015 Sumgait State University became a popular place for the local academics of the technical sciences where Schneider Electric sponsored a seminar on automation modern technologies and challenges. The event brought together over 70 electric specialists of educational institutions and of private businesses to exchange of knowledge and experience of industrial automation.
In the opening speech Schneider Electric Azerbaijan Country President Deputy Mr Osman Sahin underlined the constant development of Azerbaijan and growing importance of energy efficiency application in the different spheres to increase productivity and secure better living environment for the future generations.
Mr Punhan Seyidov Schneider Electric automation business team leader described today's automation challenges and how Schneider Electric products and solutions improve operational efficiency and make energy usage more reliable and safe. During the presentation Schneider Electric Harmony XB5R industrial wireless push buttons and receivers raised a special interest as the participants wowed its mechanical-to-electrical energy transforming performance as well as remote communication benefits.
Mr Asif Rzayev Head of Automation Laboratory of the Institute of Cybernetics of the National Academy of Sciences pointed out advantages of Altivar 71 series variable speed drives application in the pump engines and shared the recent research results speaking of 30% increase of operational efficiency achieved due to these devices.
The deputy rector of the Sumgait State University Mr Nadir Kazimov expressed his gratitude to Schneider Electric for the support to the Azerbaijan's education and stressed a great value of the global energy company's knowledge and experience application in Azerbaijan. The SSU senior official welcomed the launching of a technical service workshop equipped by Schneider Electric at the University premises as a first step towards the successful cooperation with this global specialist in energy management. Head of the service workshop Mr Rahib Guliev presented post-sale customer care proposals and shared the first working experience.