
Ambassador of Israel visits Baku Higher Oil School (PHOTO)

Economy Materials 2 March 2020 11:34 (UTC +04:00)

BAKU, Azerbaijan, March 2


Rector of Baku Higher Oil School (BHOS) Elmar Gasimov met with a delegation led by Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Israel to Azerbaijan George Deek.

During the meeting, exchange of views took place on cooperation between Israeli companies, universities and Baku Higher Oil School, and prospects for future cooperation were discussed.

Rector Elmar Gasimov noted that Azerbaijan and Israel are friendly countries and that the two counties give a lot of attention to development of relations between them in the field of education.

Elmar Gasimov informed the guests in detail about Baku Higher Oil School. The rector stressed that educated young people with high intellectual potential study at the Higher School, and that all BHOS graduates, without exception, are provided with work.

Noting that Baku Higher Oil School provides training on both technical and technological skills, the rector emphasized the importance of implementing new programs and studying foreign experience in this area. In this context, he emphasized the interest of the Higher School in the exchange of experience with Israeli universities and the creation of joint innovative research centers.

Ambassador George Deek, in turn, noted that Azerbaijan is an important strategic partner for Israel. He praised highly the conditions created at the Higher School.

Speaking about the development of relations with Israel in the field of education, the ambassador emphasized that cooperation in this direction will continue to develop. George Deek also noted that the Israeli embassy will help establish and strengthen cooperation between Israeli companies, universities and Baku Higher Oil School.

Then, the guests visited the BHOS campus and got acquainted with the conditions created there.

