
Azerbaijani energy minister announces volume of hydrocarbon supplies to Italy

Economy Materials 24 June 2024 20:17 (UTC +04:00)
Azerbaijani energy minister announces volume of hydrocarbon supplies to Italy
Maryana Ahmadova
Maryana Ahmadova
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 24. Energy cooperation plays a special role in the economic partnership with Italy, Azerbaijani Energy Minister Parviz Shahbazov said, Trend reports.

He made the remark during the celebration of Italy's Republic Day.

"Italy takes the cake among European countries when it comes to oil and gas imports from Azerbaijan. Thus, last year more than 11 million tons of oil were exported to Italy, and gas supplies to the country amounted to 9.4 bcm," he said.

The minister also emphasized that Italy is one of the main trade partners of Azerbaijan.

"The trade turnover between the two countries amounted to $15.6 billion last year. The historical friendship and strategic partnership between the two countries have reached the highest level in all spheres.
Mutual visits play a key role in this sense, thanks to which interstate relations have reached a new stage. The relations between our countries represent not only the interests of the two countries but also the interests of a large geography. The presidency of our countries in the G7 and COP29 opens new opportunities for cooperation," Shahbazov noted.

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