Great Britain, London / corr. Trend G. Ahmadova/ The immigrants from South Azerbaijan living in London held a demonstration before the building of BBC (Bush House) in London. The demonstrators demanded the release Abbas Lisani, the well-known activist of the national movement who is being kept in one of the prisons of the Iezz province at present.
In spite of the bad whether conditions in London, some 40 people from South Azerbaijan living in Great Britain took part in the demonstration.
According to Sahand Bagmishe, who initiated the demonstration, the chief aim of the peaceful demonstration was the release of Lisani and the protection of his rights.
The demonstrators held the posters in their hands reflecting the following sentences '30 million Azerbaijani Turks are Subjected to the Repressions of the Iranian Regime!', 'Azerbaijani Turkish must be Official Language in South Azerbaijan!' and 'End the Torture against the Prisoners'.
The Association of the South Azerbaijanis was one of the initiators of the demonstration as well.
The demonstration lasted 2 hours. The demonstrators circulated leaflet in English among the passers-by about the arrest of Abbas Lisani on the behalf of the Association and about the conditions of south Azerbaijanis in Iran.
Abbas Lisani has been kept in Ardabil prison in Iran for already 15 months.