Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek, Feb. 21 / Trend , R.Meshadihasanli /
Turkish President Abdullah Gul will pay a visit to Kyrgyzstan in May 2009, the Turkish-Kyrgyzstan Interparliamentary Friendship Group head Ibrahim Hasrug said to Trend .
Furthermore, Turkish Minister of Justice and Minister of Health will also make a visit to Kyrgyzstan. "We will visit Kyrgyzstan frequently. We will try to settle problems of both Kyrgyz and Turkish citizens in the region," Hasrug said.
Turkey will also intensify its attention on Azerbaijan and Turkic speaking countries in the Middle Asia.
The Kyrgyz Parliament is developing dynamically and gradually expands and strengthens relations with Turkey.
"This is very pleased. This means that democratic principles develop in Kyrgyzstan," Hasgur said.
"We held the first meeting in Istanbul in order to strengthen and develop the Interparliamentary Assembly. The second meeting will be held in Kazakhstan or Kyrgyzstan. The third meeting will be held in Azerbaijan. We hope that Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan will also join the meetings," Hasgur added.
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