Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev on Friday signed an order on some measures to strengthen social protection of employees of the State Customs Committee of Azerbaijan, simplify procedures and increase transparency in customs sphere, the official website of the Azerbaijani President reported.
The order envisages directing 25 percent of the funds, made available to off-budgetary fund for development of the customs system in Azerbaijan, towards the payment of allowances to the monthly official salaries of the employees with special ranking and civilian employees of the State Customs Committee.
The State Customs Committee, Interior Ministry and Ministry of Justice were instructed to, within three months, ensure the simplification of procedures related to customs registration, carrying out state registration, taking a permanent record of vehicles imported into the territory of the Republic, providing certificate of state registration and state registration number of the vehicles and granting rights to own, use and acquire vehicles based on the principle of "single window"
The State Customs Committee was also instructed to ensure the receipt of all the legal customs payments only through bank or credit card, introduce an electronic management system ("electronic turn") in order to improve efficiency and transparency of services provided by the customs agencies, as well as increase control over the strict observance of the legislative requirements by the State Customs Committee employees in performing their official duties.
The Cabinet of Ministers was instructed to bring the 'Regulations on off-budgetary fund for development of customs system in the Azerbaijan Republic' and the 'Rules of spending the resources of the Fund' into conformity with this order during a month, as well as resolve other issues arising from this order.