BAKU, Azerbaijan, June 30. TheUS looks forward to continuing the process of talks between Azerbaijan and Armenia in weeks ahead, said the US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, as he took part in the final plenary session with the foreign ministers of Azerbaijan and Armenia at the National Training Center for Foreign Affairs named after George Schultz.
"We've had a series of meetings, not only here, but also hosted by our counterparts in the European Union. We know that further meeting is expected in a few weeks' time with the European Union, and we look forward to continuing this process as well in the weeks ahead, to take advantage of the momentum that we've helped achieve through these meetings.
I think there's also a clear understanding that the closer we get, the closer you get to reaching an agreement. In some cases, the harder it gets, because by definition, the most difficult issues are left for the end, but I very much appreciate the spirit of candor. Openness, directness that everyone has exhibited, that is the way ultimately to reach understanding, and finally to reach agreement. So again, thank you both for being here. Thank you for the hard work that's gone into these three days. Thank you for the progress that has been made. And thank you for the determination to continue this effort in the weeks and months ahead," he said.
The new round of talks between Bayramov and Mirzoyan on the draft peace agreement was held in the US from June 27 through June 29.