
Azerbaijan calls on Turkic hydro-meteorological services for innovative techs exchange

Politics Materials 15 November 2023 13:17 (UTC +04:00)
Humay Aghajanova
Humay Aghajanova
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BAKU, Azerbaijan, November 15. The hydro-meteorological services of Turkic countries should complement each other with innovative technologies and cooperate to address the upcoming challenges of global climate change, Azerbaijani Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources Mukhtar Babayev said, Trend reports.

He made the remark at the II Meteorological Forum of the Turkic World.

The minister noted that environmental issues, especially factors like water, weather, and climate, do not recognize borders.

"Just like in various regions of the Northern Hemisphere, Turkic countries are particularly susceptible to natural disasters, including extreme weather and climate events. To minimize the consequences, it's crucial to establish effective coordinated preparedness and response mechanisms in line with the World Meteorological Organization's Early Warning for All initiative," Babayev said.

"Our country is ready to contribute to regional cooperation in this endeavor and share information on a unified platform obtained from modern observation systems implemented in our country," added the minister.

The forum is attended by ministers of environment and climate change from Turkic countries, heads of hydro-meteorological services, representatives of state entities, and experts.

The event aims to carry out coordinated activities in the field of climate change and expand the exchange of experience in creating an early warning system for extreme weather conditions.

The I Meteorological Forum of the Turkic World was held on February 19, 2021, in Ankara, Türkiye.

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