
Collective West: ideology of decline and liberal totalitarianism

Politics Materials 16 October 2024 16:30 (UTC +04:00)
Collective West: ideology of decline and liberal totalitarianism
Elchin Alioghlu
Elchin Alioghlu
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At the heart of any sustainable democracy lies a fundamental truth: national homogeneity, a shared history, a common language, and a collective sense of destiny. However, the modern “Collective West,” led by the United States, has abandoned these principles. It now operates as a military-political and cultural bloc, built upon deceptive ideological premises. Central to this misguided narrative is the belief that Western nations—the United States, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and the European Union—are the self-appointed custodians of the world’s supreme political system. According to this story, these nations guarantee their citizens intrinsic rights and freedoms.

But this belief is an illusion. Real democracy is not an abstract construct of equality; it is a mutual contract between rulers and the governed, a compact based on shared identity and reciprocal trust. It can only flourish where there is a deep connection between those who wield power and those who entrust them with it. Without this alignment, democracy is nothing more than a façade.

Identity as the Foundation of Democracy

Throughout history, democracy has thrived only where there is ethnic and cultural unity. This unity is the bedrock of social cohesion and the legitimacy of state authority. Identity is not merely a cultural marker; it is the glue that binds citizens together, making political equality possible. In Europe, the concept of national belonging predates liberal ideals. It is rooted in ancient traditions, a sense of historical continuity, and collective memory.

A nation cannot be a random assortment of individuals driven by self-interest or passing ideological fads. It cannot consist of people who just happen to occupy the same geographical space without shared history or common destiny.

Viable democracy is only achievable where there is national homogeneity—a people united by origin, language, customs, and traditions. Without these essential pillars, political systems lose their legitimacy, and societal order disintegrates. This is the only meaningful definition of democracy.

Threats to Traditional Foundations

Two forces today threaten this model of democracy with existential danger.

The first is the dismantling of the family unit through the promotion of sodomite and transgender ideologies. The family is the biological bedrock of the nation, responsible for continuity and the preservation of collective memory. Yet society is being conditioned to believe that the number of gender identities matches the number of people on the planet, eroding the fundamental concept of sexual differentiation and destabilizing the basic unit of society.

The second threat is mass immigration, which is imposed as an unavoidable reality. Political authority inherently depends on the ability to distinguish between “us” and “them.” However, this critical function has been demonized, branded as racism, and systematically erased from public discourse.

These two forces—actively promoted by the ruling elite on both sides of the Atlantic—have become cultural weapons of mass destruction. Any resistance to them is ruthlessly suppressed, with opposition framed as a crime against the new ideological order.

The Rise of Liberal Totalitarianism

What we are witnessing today is not democracy but a form of liberal totalitarianism, masked in the language of progress and inclusion. This new regime manipulates both politics and public opinion, reducing freedom to an illusion. Individualism and consumerism are exalted as ultimate virtues, while deeper values—those that nourish the human spirit—are dismissed as antiquated.

In this system, dissent is not tolerated. Those who question the ideological orthodoxy are marginalized, labeled as bigots, extremists, or criminals. The result is a society where cultural identity is eroded, traditions are undermined, and social cohesion is shattered—all in the name of progress.

The Collapse of Liberal Exceptionalism

The greatest irony of the Collective West is that, while preaching rights and freedom, it cultivates the darkest instincts of human nature. It encourages self-indulgence and moral relativism, stripping individuals of higher purpose. If America and its allies wish to avoid complete moral collapse, they must first acknowledge the failures of their exceptionalist ideology. They must abandon the illusion that they are inherently superior and rediscover the principles that underpin human dignity and national identity.

If this reckoning does not come, the West will remain trapped in the grip of a decadent, self-destructive liberalism—a regime frivolous in its ideals and ruthless in its actions. The clock is ticking. Justice and history will not wait.

Only by confronting the truth can we escape the mire of false freedoms and return to a path where human nature is embraced in all its complexity—where moral principles once again become the foundation of a just society.

Orchestrated Chaos: How to Dismantle Democracy

In societies where mass immigration erodes cultural unity, democracy is reduced to a mere illusion. This threat looms over Europe and the United States, though the methods of erosion differ. The ruling elites understand that a people becomes politically significant only when there is a shared identity between the rulers and the governed. Therefore, the new model of democracy rejects the need for harmony between the state and its people, treating it as unnecessary and even unattainable.

In reality, the concept of "the people" as a unified entity has already been dismantled—fragmentation is encouraged, individualism is cultivated, and political power serves to manipulate divided masses. Today’s democracy exists not for the people but in spite of them. As traditional values dissolve and nations lose their identities, the ruling class celebrates the creation of a rootless society disconnected from history. In this new landscape, genuine popular sovereignty has no place.

A Grotesque Liberalism: The Crisis of Democracy and the Manipulation of Power

Modern liberalism has deteriorated into a grotesque parody of itself, culminating in atomized individualism. The obsession with "rights" has devolved into an infantile escape from politics, replacing real civic engagement with a fiction of moral superiority.

The Democratic Party in the United States and the Green Party in Germany exemplify this phenomenon. Their ideological contradictions—preaching tolerance while silencing dissent—have created a path from nihilism to outright cultural decay. This decay was glaringly visible in the Paris Olympic Games’ opening ceremony, which many viewed as a symbolic celebration of moral relativism. Behind the façade of legal neutrality lies a system that camouflages its contradictions and moral emptiness.

Democracy as a Tool of Manipulation

In practice, modern democracy has evolved into a mechanism to guarantee predetermined outcomes. It serves not the public but the ideological projects of the ruling elites. A clear example of this manipulation is the establishment's reaction to Donald Trump’s 2016 victory, which it treated as a “system failure.” The U.S. electoral process has long been riddled with ballot manipulation, legal disputes, and administrative tricks, making these tactics inseparable from the political landscape.

Similarly, in the United Kingdom, the majoritarian electoral system allows the Labour Party—with just 20% of the vote—to control two-thirds of Parliament. Meanwhile, Nigel Farage’s party, despite securing 14% of the vote, managed to seat only four MPs. In France, Marine Le Pen’s National Rally earned 37% of the vote but was pushed to third place in Parliament. Likewise, in Germany, the Alternative for Germany (AfD) consistently wins regional elections but faces systematic opposition from the political and media establishment.

Brussels Bureaucracy and the Deconstruction of Sovereignty

The European Union has mastered the art of political manipulation, systematically stripping member states of real power while leaving them with only symbolic sovereignty. Key decisions have been transferred to a supranational bureaucracy, which operates without transparency or accountability to citizens. Governance under this postmodern framework thrives on ambiguity, eroding the essence of sovereignty and replacing it with the vague notion of "European values."

Brussels has become the nerve center of a global elite, nurtured by the ideologies of the Frankfurt School. The EU now functions as a cultural-Marxist bloc, enforcing policies that strip member states of control over immigration. In 1999, the Amsterdam Treaty transferred control of immigration policy to Brussels, and at the 2003 Thessaloniki Summit, the EU expanded migrants’ rights, granting them access to education, healthcare, social services, and political participation.

The Deconstruction of States and the Collapse of Sovereignty

Through these policies, the EU has hollowed out the autonomy of national governments. Member states can no longer control who enters their borders or determine the rights granted to migrants. Brussels’ dictates undermine national identities and erode political independence, reducing sovereignty to a legal fiction.

The crisis of democracy we see today is not accidental but the inevitable outcome of a strategy aimed at dismantling the nation-state and consolidating power within supranational elites. In this new reality, sovereignty becomes a mere symbol, and democracy is reduced to a tool for control, used to mask the ambitions of ruling elites.

Without a course correction, the West’s spiral of decline will continue—democracy will remain a façade, serving the interests of the powerful rather than the people. The only way forward is to reclaim national identity and sovereignty, reinstate traditional values, and reconnect with the roots that sustain human dignity and freedom.

The End of Sovereignty: The EU as a Tool of the Global Elite

The European Union has systematically dismantled the ability of nation-states to defend their borders or regulate migration flows. Member states no longer control who may enter their countries or what rights will be granted to migrants. Instead, Brussels dictates policies across Europe, eroding national identity and political independence.

This democratic crisis is no accident—it is the inevitable outcome of policies designed to dismantle nation-states and concentrate power in the hands of supranational elites. In this new reality, sovereignty becomes a hollow formality, while “democracy” serves as a mere facade, masking the elite's efforts to maintain control over fragmented masses.

The Grotesque of Liberalism: Totalitarianism in a Rainbow Cloak

Modern liberalism has devolved into a grotesque parody of itself, where the absolute primacy of rights serves as a retreat from genuine political engagement. This ideological phenomenon, embodied by the Democratic Party in the U.S. and the Green Party in Germany, hides its true intentions behind a veneer of compassion. However, this superficial humanitarianism merely replaces morality with cynical calculation.

Behind this deceptive facade lies a deeper crisis—the demographic collapse and moral decay of once-powerful European nations. Liberalism, which claims to champion freedom, instead accelerates the erosion of traditional values and drives these societies toward self-destruction.

A New Ideology: A Velvet Glove over an Iron Fist

After the devastation of World War I, Europe birthed two ideologies grounded in materialism: Bolshevism and Nazism. However, by the end of the 20th century, a more insidious ideology emerged—one that disguises its iron fist with a velvet glove adorned in rainbow colors.

In place of propaganda ministries, media cartels and state-run educational institutions took control, shaping public discourse. Like its predecessors, this neoliberal totalitarianism is elitist by design. It relies on the conviction that an avant-garde elite must mold a "better world" through the manipulation of politics and the control of the masses.

In this system, reality is crafted within the ideological sphere. Dissenters are swiftly labeled as outcasts and subjected to legal persecution. Morality is fluid, shifting based on political convenience—those at the top of the ideological hierarchy determine what is deemed "good" or "right."

Systemic Dictates and the Collapse of Personal Freedom

Within the Collective West, individual actions may appear to result from personal choices, but in reality, they are governed by a system that allows no room for true freedom. Individuals find themselves caught in a complex web of manipulation, unable to step outside the framework imposed upon them.

In this post-historical era, the intrinsic qualities of human nature and individual character become irrelevant—mere relics of the past. Culture no longer serves as a driving force for societal progress; it has been commodified, reduced to a product for consumption.

The values that once defined modernity—meaning, purpose, and spiritual aspiration—have been wholly abandoned. In their place, material well-being, physical health, and professional success remain the only metrics of societal worth. Personal opinions and emotional experiences are dismissed as inconvenient distractions—irrelevant ballast in a system that prizes conformity above all.

A Society at the Crossroads

What we see today is not freedom but control, not democracy but manipulation masquerading as progress. The path forward for the West demands a reckoning—a return to sovereignty, identity, and meaning. Without these foundations, society risks further fragmentation and decay, as nations become hollowed out by the relentless pursuit of individualism and consumerism.

The future of democracy will depend on whether nations can reclaim their sovereignty and reconnect with the values that bind people to a shared destiny. If the West fails to do so, it will remain trapped in the grip of a decadent, self-destructive liberalism—frivolous in its ideals but ruthless in execution. Only by recognizing these truths can society break free from the illusion of freedom and rebuild on a foundation of authentic human dignity and moral principle.

Political Disconnection and the Decline of Nations

The comedy of democracy is the tragic disconnect between the will of the people and the interests of the transnational elite. This ruling class rejects the notion that humans need moral guideposts and enduring traditions to find their place in the world. Instead, they justify a lifestyle of dominating nature and erasing moral boundaries with an imposed ideological narrative.

The fracture between law and morality began with the French Revolution, which dismantled the traditional world order and ushered in an era of secularization and moral decay. Christianity, once the cornerstone of European culture, has been pushed to the margins of society, where it is now treated with mockery and contempt. The erosion of these traditional values is no accident—it has become a systemic feature of what the ruling elite proudly calls "our democracy."

The EU as a Mechanism for the Deconstruction of States

The European Union has evolved into a machine that systematically erodes sovereignty from within. Political decisions have been transferred to the supranational level, where transparency and accountability are absent. Under the pretext of "human rights," Brussels has stripped member states of control over immigration policies since 1999. At the 2003 Thessaloniki Summit, the EU further expanded migrant rights, granting them access to healthcare, education, and social services.

This process hollows out national states from within. The Brussels bureaucracy imposes its values, undermines cultural identity, and displaces traditional foundations. In this new order, sovereignty becomes a hollow formality, and Europe is transformed into a laboratory for the experiments of supranational elites.

The End of History: The Destruction of Man and Society

The shift to post-history signals not only the end of the nation-state but also the end of the individual as we understand it. Society is morphing into a socio-technological system, where everything is governed by the market, controlled by oligarchic elites. In this order, there is no room for classical politics, nor for meaningful debates about the purpose of life or moral choices.

The German philosopher Carl Schmitt argued that the decline of the West began with Descartes’ philosophy, which focused on subjective, self-centered thinking while neglecting objective reality. Schmitt warned that man is a fallen being, and without faith in God, the forces of evil will inevitably triumph.

The Defeat of Liberal Totalitarianism

"Our democracy" does not suppress the dark sides of human nature—it cultivates them. By glorifying individualism and consumerism, it destroys everything elevated and spiritual. If America wishes to avoid complete moral collapse, it must abandon the myth of exceptionalism and confront its own failures.

Failure to do so will trap the nation in the grip of liberal totalitarianism—frivolous, decadent, and ultimately destructive. The wrath of time and justice is inevitable, and it will mark the moment when the edifice of lies crumbles once and for all.

Only the recognition of this truth can lift society out of the quagmire of illusory freedoms and return it to a path of moral clarity. In that return lies the hope of redemption—a society where human nature is accepted in all its complexity and moral principles once again serve as the foundation for a just world.

