The law “On Political Parties’ will be reconsidered, as it has some essential gaps in terms of ensuring the transparency of the political parties, Ali Hassanov, the head of the Public-Political Department of the Azerbaijani President’s Executive Power, told Trend.
The activities of the political parties should be based on the principle of transparency, Hassanov noted. В"Azerbaijan is in the stage of development, which strictly outlines the necessity for holding вЂ�open’ political activities,” he added Hassanov marked the measures implemented by the public instances for ensuring вЂ�transparency’ in the activities.
В"Some items of the standard document contradicts the Constitution of the country,В" said Hassanov, reminding that the law was adopted in 1992 prior to the adoption of the current Constitution.
В"For instance, the Constitution allows the election of the chairman of a political party as the President, it is banned by the Law on Political Parties,В" Hassanov underlined, noting the necessity for adjusting all legislative acts in the country with the Articles of the Constitution.
В"The public realizes the necessity for injecting changes to the law, as it did not take into consideration the process of democratization and I think, Azerbaijan will consider this issue,В" the head of the Public-Political Department said.