The former Minister of Economic Development Farhad Aliyev has been arrested on 19 October, Trend reports citing the ATV channel. Along with this, the head of the Azpetrol group of companies Rafig Aliyev has been also arrested by the officers of the National Security Ministry (MNS).
According to the news, Rafig Aliyev has been detained while boarding the flight Baku-Istanbul at the Heydar Aliyev airport. A Turkish businessman, the head of the “Demir Oren” group of companies Burnan Vehchi has been also arrested with him. According to the ATV channel, the head of the MNS public relations centre Arif Babayev confirmed the arrest of Farhad and Rafig Aliyevs.
The ATV channel reported also on the arrest for 15 days the former Minister of Foreign Economic Relations Nidjat Guliyev for resistance to the police.